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UniformWhy We Wear UniformOur school places great emphasis on the promotion and encouragement of wearing our school uniform. Departmental Policy states “school uniforms foster pride in the school, assist in the development and maintenance of tone and good conduct, and reduce to a minimum distinctions because of clothing between children in the same school”. The wearing of our uniform is an important factor as it serves to identify students of the School and foster satisfaction and respect from their personal contribution and individual worth. The wearing of school uniform by all students is mandatory. Parents/Guardians can assist by providing the correct uniform and ensuring their child/guardian co-operates in this matter. It is important to consider the reasons why the school community has chosen to have a uniform. All students are equal People judge one another by their appearance. It can shape expectations, influence reactions, often inaccurately. The wearing of a uniform helps to ensure that people are not misjudged as individuals and learners. No competition The forces of fashion are very strong. Without a uniform, many students would compete in fashion stakes which can be a costly exercise. The winners would be those who could afford it. This would divide our school. Reduce Conflict By wearing a uniform we identify as one group. Without it there would be splinter groups based on clothing styles. E.g. Colour gangs which are a major problem in American schools. Safety Uniforms help us make our school safe. We can easily identify people who should not be in the school and who place students at risk. We can also identify you if you need assistance. Your uniform says ‘You are one of us!’ Members of a team... We all enjoy and take pride in being part of a successful team. The community supports us in wearing our school uniform, showing we are proud of our achievements and the benefits of being part of our team. Preparation for work... Most work places have dress codes or uniforms these days. A visit to local businesses, banks, corporations and even supermarkets and shops will highlight this. Therefore, our school Policy reflects the workplace. It helps promote self discipline and understanding of the importance of neatness in personal appearance. But we are all individuals... This statement is true, and in a way, by wearing a uniform we are foregoing some of that individuality. However, we can express our individuality in many ways through our achievements and contributions in academic, sporting, musical, social, technological and creative aspects of school life. Boys Uniform
Girls Uniform
Footwear – an OH & S issueSafe footwear is an O.H. & S. requirement for many school activities. Department of Education and Training policy states: "Thongs, open type sandals or shoes, canvas type shoes and joggers, shall not be worn in practical classes where there is the possibility of injury through spillage of hot liquids, metals, or the dropping of heavy or sharp instruments, tools etc …While it is not possible to specify any one standard to meet all situations, shoes with a stout sole and firm leather uppers are considered necessary." NSW Dept Education and Training O.H.&S. Policy.
This means non leather joggers are not safe. Following this directive we require black leather lace‑up shoes As senior students do not participate in school sport, they are required to wear black shoes on Thursdays. All other students with practical lessons must bring their black shoes.
Uniform Availability Belmont High School is now operating a uniform shop called ‘The Cage’ located next to the Canteen in the quad.
Families who have difficulty in providing a uniform for their children may apply to the Principal for school assistance. Also, the school has a supply of clean, used uniforms available at a minimal price from the Main Office. If students need to be out of uniform for any reason, they are to bring a note from home. Students out of uniform will be dressed appropriately (for the day) from the school’s uniform pool. School shoes must be worn each day regardless of whether the student has PE or sport.
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