Millennium Reports makes reporting time simple, with results feeding directly from the Markbook. Simply enter your comments and profiles, and you're done!

With advanced completion and checking facilities, you can cut through the cost of semester reporting, detecting spelling errors and data omissions across thousands of course reports. Including online and off-line archives and single student / course reprint, Millennium Reports has all your past and present reports at your fingertips.

  • Markbook Driven Data & Graphs
  • Schedule Attendance Data to Coverpages
  • Customisable Coverpage Formats
  • Customisable Report Formats
  • Semester, Profile and Interim Reports 
  • Single Page Interim Reports
  • Printed Course and Year Summaries
  • Personal and Faculty Comment Banks
  • Head Teacher & Year Advisor Checking
  • Spell Check and Batch Printing
  • Offline Archives