Uniform Policy

https://www.millenniumschools.net.au/muswellbrook/images/B&W%20Badge.jpgMUSWELLBROOK HIGH SCHOOL




When is school uniform to be worn?


Muswellbrook High School is committed to maintaining a high standard of school uniform. All students are required to wear the complete school uniform (unless otherwise instructed):

·         at school

·         whilst travelling to and from school

·         when representing the school at school events and excursions

·         when representing the school at Sports carnivals and competitions

Why is a school uniform worn?

Students are required to wear uniform because it provides:

  • identification with Muswellbrook High School
  • a sense of pride in belonging to Muswellbrook High School
  • security, as any strangers are immediately identifiable by staff
  • equity, as the dress is the same for all students
  • a safe and appropriate standard of dress for a range of school activities
  • an economical way for families to dress their children and as a requirement of the occupational health and safety act 2000 (see below)

Occupational Health and Safety Act

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 Muswellbrook High School (through the

Department of Education and Training) must ensure:

·         students are not exposed to risks to their health or safety while they are on school premises

·         the school identifies and eliminates (or controls) any foreseeable hazard that has the potential to

            harm the health and safety of any person on its premises.

Therefore, the school has a duty to enforce students to wear appropriate clothing, footwear, eyewear and hats and to ask students to remove jewellery or other items that could cause an injury to themselves or other students.




Accessories and items not to be worn

Students are advised that the following accessories and items are not to be worn:

·         Black or coloured undershirts and singlets (white only)

·         Any item of clothing that is not the correct colour or cut (non-uniform)

·         Any item of clothing that has an offensive or inappropriate message or image

·         White or coloured footwear (black, leather enclosed footwear only)

·         Large hoop or long/dangling earrings

·         Elastic bands (tying shirts up on the lower back)

·         Exposed underwear

·         Thongs and slippers

·         Beanies and hooded tops

·         Chains

·         Sharp piercings

·         Coloured belts

·         Coloured socks

·         Long black socks


Hat Policy

Students are encouraged to wear a hat, at all times, when outside for lessons, recess and lunch and

extra-curricular activities. Hats are not to be worn in school buildings and classrooms.


The uniform policy is monitored by Miss Walsh and Miss Smith with the assistance of Teachers, Head Teachers, Deputy Principals and Principal. All staff share a responsibility to ensure that uniform is worn correctly. If a student is found to be in breach of the Muswellbrook High School Uniform Policy, they will be asked to present a signed and dated note from a parent or guardian explaining why the student is out of uniform. This note should be shown to Miss Smith or a Deputy Principal at the beginning of the school day so that they can be assisted to change appropriately.

Reasons why students may be unable to wear school uniform may include:

·         An item may be soiled, torn or damaged

·         A student is injured, disabled or has a medical condition

·         Religious reasons

·         A parent or guardian may be unable to wash due to wet weather

·         A parent or guardian may be unable to wash due to family problems/emergencies

·         The student may be living away from home for a period of time

·         A student is new to the school and has been unable to access the uniform

·         Financial reasons (Students are encouraged to apply for financial assistance through the school. These cases

will be dealt with individually and sensitively.)

If any of the above cases or if no note or acceptable reason is given then the school policy is that:

  • Students will be asked to go to the school library and change into an appropriate item of uniform which will be provided by the school.
  • Students will be provided with a private and secure area to change.
  • All clothing provided to students has been washed and is in satisfactory condition.
  • The non-uniform item is exchanged for the school uniform item and kept in the library until the
  • school property is returned. Students should return borrowed clothing between 3:30 -3:40pm.

In other cases, at the discretion of the teacher, the following may occur:

  • A warning is issued
  • A student may be asked to remove the item and place it in their bag.
  • A student may be withdrawn from class eg. A PE or TAS practical lesson due to health and safety issues
  • The teacher may confiscate the item (see above)
  • A detention is given.
  • Parents may be called
  • A breach of uniform policy note is sent home to parents,

If students are continually in breach of the Uniform Policy, the following may occur:

  • A detention is given
  • A student may be sent home to change
  • A student may be withdrawn from class eg. A PE or TAS practical lesson due to health and safety issues
  • An interview with parents to resolve the issue
  • Suspension


Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

Students are required to change into their full sports uniform at the beginning of each practical lessons in PDHPE (7-10) and all elective classes, including Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies and Physical Activity and Sport Studies (Please see uniform list for details). Students must wear appropriate footwear, at all times, in all activities.

At the conclusion of the lesson students must change back into their regular school uniform.

Students who fail to bring their sports uniform to practical lessons are provided with an alternative theoretical task. If a student repeatedly fails to bring their sports uniform a letter will be issued informing parents. This action may also affect a student’s marks in their practical assessment.

If a student is unable to wear their sports uniform, a note signed by a parent or guardian must be provided to their class teacher. In this circumstance, students may be allowed to participate wearing an appropriate change of clothing and footwear.


The school Sport Uniform is worn on Wednesdays (Years 8-10) or Thursdays (Year 7), when representing the school in sport and school sports carnivals (including Zone Carnivals).

Sunsmart in Sport, PDHPE and Agriculture

Students are encouraged to wear a hat and sunscreen when participating in all outdoor lessons. Sunscreen may be obtained from the PE staffroom if required. 

Technical and Applied Sciences (TAS) and Science

It is mandatory that that students carrying out practical activities using chemicals or equipment in schools wear enclosed, leather footwear. This is a condition of entry into any laboratory or workshop within the school. Students may also be required to wear protective clothing and eyewear when participating in practical activities and experiments.

Students without the correct footwear will be provided with alternative, theory based work to complete.


·         www.det.nsw.edu.au

·         School Uniforms in New South Wales Government Schools. New South Wales Department of Education and Training. Student Welfare Directorate. Policy 2004.

Written by Gareth Erskine Principal

28 March 2011